A list of Based websites and resources against making the vaccine mandatory


A Pandemic of the Vaccinated
A list of Based websites and resources against making the vaccine mandatory - mainly Canada based ones but also US

Ontario Civil liberties Association:​

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms​

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@Lobotomizer and others have a thread going about places to boycott.

There was also another recent thread closer to your idea. Businesses which won't mandate the jabs, masks, or something to that effect (this one is less built up).
Thanks. I think it would be great to have a sticky where newcomers can find such resources
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I have considered it before, perhaps a subforum where we could post *just* those types of threads.

The slight dilemma is 'how do we narrow it down?'. You can imagine some threads may or may not really fit there.

Will pass the idea along to the other mods and go from there. Thank you!
Are there official organizations against Vaccine mandate/passports by Province that have planned protests coming up?