Organizing Protests at Trudeau Campaign Stops

@JordanPEDErson maybe we could get a daily sticky of any PPC campaign stops and Trudeau campaign stops? Just a thought. We need to start organizing.
If you want to do a daily sticky of that, and it was generating enough votes and comments we would stick it for you. I have to say this is primarily a place to relax and share some news and memes with likeminded friends. I am totally not opposed to planning anything I just want you to know that isn't my primary goal here. You are free to use the forum as you wish though! We stick posts based on user interaction, so if your thread gains traction it will get stuck.

In the future if there is enough interest in organizing in person stuff we could make a subforum for that. Not a terrible idea actually.
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@Sparkle_whore Ok, so there are a lot of people like you that want to do more real world shit, been getting lots of requests. Also lots of people posting resources and lists for politicians contact, want to do in person meetups, etc. I want to accommodate that so we will likely be making a subforum for real world action that can include all that stuff shortly. It's not just a meme sharing site, but we like to have fun that's all.
Is there any info for where the campaign stops are? Or is he hiding it like a little bitch cause he knows actual real Canadian citizens will be there to tell him what's what.