We should start a new Sub or website to list NON-VAXX friendly businesses that will not accept Vaxx Passes



The non-vaccinated will have to build an underground black market economy.

This can be aided by a website of businesses that we can access, preferably pass protected, that lists businesses that are friendly and whom deal in both cash and barter.

The demand for this soon will be overwhelming. Whichever web operator correctly builds such a site will quickly have one of the most popular online.
Upvote 20
By any chance was this thought prompted by the Yelp news?

It's a good idea, and it looks like Rusty/Freedom Pages has it covered.

The only thing left is to have more businesses become aware of it. And redundancies, in case the website gets removed.
we also have that lovely, and underused, survival and prepping sub already. just post that kind of stuff in there.
I have an acquaintance who is quite anti-vax in general, and her boyfriend's family won't go over to their house to eat b/c of it. They'll order food from a rando restaurant and bring it in, but won't go over to eat her food. lollll vaxxers and their silly idiotic bullshit.