Gold and Silver, Crypto


Deleted member 84

Time to talk about becoming your own central bank.

Everyone is talking about accelerating the collapse however I strongly believe the economy and fiat currency to be like a jenga tower. While the governments entice people with bread and Circus gimmicks, a good strategy is to determine just exactly which jenga piece when pulled, ends their game.

I believe this to be explaining the power of gold and silver to everyone around me. If most people hold and understand just what assets like this will do, we could simply walk away from fiat currency all at once. Thus ending the game for good.

Gold and Silver allow us to become our own central banks and when we issues IOUs they are actually backed with a tangible asset.

In short this makes our words “as good as gold”
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If you are going to stack boomer rocks, make sure you actually buy physical gold/silver. If you buy paper you're faced with the same problem as fiat. They might not have anything in their vault while continuing to sell paper.

I personally think PMs won't do it because I do not think it's possible to convince enough people to buy them to trigger a "bank run" analog scenario. Plus, if history taught us anything, it's that the government can confiscate your boomer rocks in a state of 'emergency' and you can bet Turdeau would try if the global finance system is in danger.
They can try but you can hide them. Easy peasy, and crypto only works if the lights are still on.
Should have gold, silver, AND crypto.

The elites wont knock out the power grid or internet. That is their tool for control.

They may throttle and interfere... but ultimately they want your ass infront of a screen.
Do NOT buy into Crypto. Not only is it incredibly volatile, but it relies on both the power grid and the internet. If either one is out of the picture, then your Crypto is about as valuable as imaginary monopoly money. Gold and Silver on the other hand are hard, physical assets that will last for literal thousands of years. You can still find and purchase Roman silver and gold today, I wonder if that will be true for Crypto.
If the power grid or internet went out then society would collapse and a handful of gold/silver would be probably be useless. Better to have food, water, ammo. Bitcoin satellites and solar chargers also exist.

For hyper inflation (Venezuela and Africa) I would consider crypto to be useful. I agree it is volatile though.
Yes because crypto is a bet on humanity and the future.

If we fail wealth wont matter as you and your children will be DEAD.

Sure... hold everything. Gold, silver, crypto, food etc.

Do you really want to miss out?
There is a very good chance that in a year or two your crypto will double or triple in price.

Especially since the USD and CAD are tanking.

Our side needs to stop being fucking poor.
exactly, I have about $5000 in a BSC20 crypto that I believe in, it was doing very well until the big hit on crypto.

My next step is buying Gold, lots of gold, I am hoping to get away with 1 gold bar every 2 months for the next little bit.
I'd recommend coins over bars, as there is no doubt of authenticity when you have something like a Canadian maple leaf. Aside from the Queen, it's a beautiful too.
For those interested in Bitcoin/Monero, here is a good video from Dr. Daniel Kim about global fiat money supply, inflation, bitcoin whitepaper, fungibility, decentralization, and mass surveillance.

DISCLAIMER: I am a Monero maxi.
