Dank Meme You mean O'Toole's Leftist pandering isn't working?


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O'Toole is fucking dog shit, but so are Canadians for favoring a Sikh communist and terrorist supporter for PM.
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Active Member
I'd like to see ham explain himself out of this one.
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But but BERNIER had his picture taken with ze Nazis.... PPC are all Nazis....
I just want my fucking country run by someone that loves my country equally..... not this pandering bs, to the stupid fucking retards, that should have dribbled down their dad's leg, in every fucking check box of victimhood.....
Also what's with this WALK A MILE IN HER SHOES BULLSHIT?....
EVERYONES JOB/LIFE SUCKS...somedays are better than others.... It's called ADULTHOOD....


Safe Space Counsellor
ya. the shoe thing. trannies walk better in those things than i do. and the reward for adulthood is alcohol. some bitches just need to drink their feelings and move on. i'm tired of hearing about how hard done by everyone is who wasnt born with a silver spoon in their mouth. want something nice? fucking work for it. that's racist, right?
Always has been "Racist" to actually get your job because of merit and hard work.... but in clown world 2021 to more victim points you get, the more $$$ you get...... ffs I was asked to run for a PPC position in my city, but because of my mouth, I need 1 more ticket and then they can't hold anything against me.... it's amazing how FUCKING RETARDS (PM FOR STARTERS) get into office..... I just want my COUNTRY back from the 80 -90 early 00's..... I can't deal with FUCKTARDS