anyone keep chickens?

They are pretty low maintenance but I would check your towns bylaws first.
i know my bylaws, but fuck them. i;m thinking anyways.
Any questions just ask!
where did you get your chickens from, and what breed(S) do you keep?

also - def not related, but when i was a kid up in thunder bay, we had some "boat people" neighbours that kept their chickens in the house. in the kitchen cupboards. it was awesome. i doubt housing thought so, but there ya go.
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ISA and we picked them up a from a egg farm. But you should be able to pick up chicks from any farm.
We also picked 2 up from a friend who was going to slaughter them because of over stock.

1 year now, we started with 4 now we have 6. Winter was easy with them, I rigged a ceramic heatlamp into their coup with a temp controller and kept it at 5C. Summer has been a bit more challenging with the heat, but its a small hurtle. We have been eating home grown eggs for a year now.
I had a bunch of chickens a few years back, but the fishers (see pic below) would climb up the bank from the river and break into the coop during the night -- they couldn't get through the heavy wooden doors, but they did chew through the wire covering the vents, the bastards. After the flock was wiped out I didn't bother getting back into it, though I may do at some point
