Ignore function


Based Member
Just curious what "Ignore" on another user's profile does.

What does it do?

What does it not do?

Can I still see threads an ignored user starts?

I noticed hitting "Ignore" makes previous replies in a thread I was watching totally disappears.
I've never actually tested it out.

My assumption is that it would hide all comments/threads from the particular member that you've chosen to ignore.
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So far it makes old comments from a user prior to hitting Ignore vanish completely.

New comments have the opinion of viewing them with a click (haven't tested it yet)

Not sure if created threads are viewable.

The Ignored users Avatar is also off and on.

On the General forum menu, if an Ignored user has made the last post in a thread, it has a prompt saying "Ignored User" with a grayed out Avatar, unclickable.

If you actually enter the thread, the comments are hidden but the users name and avatar become polychromatic again with name visible and profile accessible.
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Actually, the Ignore function affects posted threads as well now that I look at the archives.

Thread title remains clickable with "Ignored User" grayed out.

Interestingly, if you open said thread, the ignored users' Username appears at the top but their entire Opening Thread Box is completely absent, with only the following replies below being visible.
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Thank you for the info on how it works.

That's perhaps a bit better than I would have expected.

Gives you the option to see something, if you really want to.

One circumstance you might want to is if you see 'ignored member' having a back-and-forth discussion with someone not ignored, that sounds interesting to you.
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A few other observations.

How the Ignored users show up in the forums seems really inconsistent.

Most of the time, old and new comments from Ignored Users disappears from Forum threads completely. As in, their comments and any downthread reply comments after theirs (including your own) doesn't even appear in the reply trees anymore, everything just gets disappeared and nuked without a trace.

Other times, such as if the Ignored user is the latest comment in a thread and you click on it from the frontpage menu, inside the thread it will give you a "This is ignored content. Click here to view" prompt over their comments in thread.

But not all the time. Other times when they've made the latest comment in a thread and I click on it from the frontpage, the thread opens but I can't see their comments at all and everything is blank, just like Scenario 1.
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