Important A Collection Of Items On The "To-Do List"


Deleted member 9

I've combed through some of the previous threads, and, have gathered a few ideas from other places.

Here's a list of features we might be adding eventually:
  • Make more colour themes (based mostly on Canadian nature/scenery, 3-6 more) ... possibly use these new templates, these, these, these, and/or these, to build off of for some of them.
  • Improve the sort-threads-by-'popular' option, add a sort-threads-by-'rising' option
  • Add some sort of disclaimer asking members to archive MSM articles prior to posting them
  • Create a back-up site/system (such as Session), for in case the forum ever goes down
  • Add more Pepe/Pehpeh emotes
  • Change the icons/buttons next to the main- and sub-forums (such as 'General', 'Real World'), to be less generic
  • Allow members to adjust the size of images and videos embedded in their posts
  • Have an 'all' section/feed, which would help the visibility of all (subscribed) sub-forums. Prevent posting to 'all', and remove 'general' (or break 'general' down into small groups)
  • Have an auto tagging system of threads, like, if a thread is stickied, it gets auto tagged as 'sticky' ... for quick sorting of all previously stickied threads in a particular sub-form
  • Advanced search options
  • Auto adjust banner image size (re-scale it) to fit the member's current device
  • Allow 'quotes' to be accessed by simply using ">", much like on WIN and Discord
  • Add more medals/badges
  • Change the themes to have font colour 'highlights' for each theme, such that if someone choose Highlight Colour #1 or #2, it looks good on all themes (not just the one they are currently on)
  • Make previews of the thread OP's post available with a drop down menu (like the WIN networks have) ... a similar functionality is currently available if you put your cursor over the thread title (say, in 'General'), a preview will show up (currently unsure if this is the case on mobile as well or not)
  • Make it so that threads tagged as 'NSFW' cannot be previewed
  • Allow group DM creator to boot people from the group DM
  • Make the size of the YT videos adjustable
  • Change the keywords for our forum's front page, such that search engine like DuckDuckGo display a desciption of us, rather than, pull a few random/recent threads
  • Set-up a better system for password recovery
  • Create a better chatroom (maybe)
  • Connect the chatroom @username to give the user an alert
  • Adjust colours of FCW Midnight Red, FCW Autumn, FCW Helicopter, and, FCW Lake View for mobile users (for instance, on some of these themes the pinned and unpinned threads for some reason seem to have the same colour, this is not the case on Desktop)
  • Adjust the navigation row tabs for some of the themes on mobile
  • If possible, re-align the header banner image for some of the mobile themes (they are currently well aligned for full-screen mode on Desktop)
  • Adjust banner images to be wider for some of the themes (so that the images doesn't repeat when on various browsers such as Brave & Dissenter) ... all currently do not repeat when on Brave + 100% zoom.
  • Adjust the banner images for most of the themes on mobile (when fully zoomed out on Android, there is a small slice/gap to the of the screen which does not match the banner image)
  • Adjust the fontsize on some of the flairs/banners such that they can all fit on one line (e.g., Joecool's banner)
  • Adjust the thread prefixes/flair border colours for the dark themes to be mostly white
  • Allow for image embedding on iPads (doesn't work for at least one person)
  • Allow for PDF attachments (seems to work now)
  • Figure out why some members cannot see user signatures, and, how to fix this
Here's a list of features that we may add (but are unsure of at the moment):
  • Add a theme with a large font size (for people with poorer eyesight), or, create a feature where users can turn on or off the option for larger font sizes
  • Allow thread title lengths to be longer
  • Possibly adopt some Ruqqus-like features (such as the 'plausible deniability' feature)
  • Square avatar frames instead of circle avatar frames
  • Adjust the 'online' icons near member avatars to be something more like this
  • Make it so the only 'pinned' threads that show up near the top of the 'new' sorting are the 'pinned' threads which happen to also be really new
  • An app version of the forum, to notify members of recent activity
  • A side-bar to the right with some general site information & announcements (like the other WIN sites have), or, a small banner somewhere
  • Banner might be small for mobile users? This might be resolved by holding your phone in landscape mode
  • Reddit-like reply threads might not be showing up well for mobile users?
  • The banners under user names (such as Resistance Is Not Futile & Staff Member) don't show up vertically, rather, horizonally on mobile ... will look into adjusting this
  • Add an "offline" page, which uses stored data on your web browser for your account, to show the last 5-8 threads that you visited if you attempt to access FreeCanada while offline. May or may not include the contents of those threads, probably not, because that would amount to storing that data on your laptop/mobile device (which could be quite a bit, depending on the thread). If you were to visit the page, while offline and not logged in, or, after clearing you browser's "history", it could should some generic "offline" page (provided your device has that saved offline)
  • Possibly integrate into the regular .win network ... there are pros and cons to this as well (e.g., one pro: more visibility - one con: we might lose some of our forum's current functionality)
And here are a few other ideas (that we haven't really discussed yet):
  • An option to not automatically link YouTube videos and the such with the "media" feature when added to a comment or post (after a few times of this happening, I've figured out how to get around this in a round-about way by using the hyperlink feature & phrasing my sentences slightly differently) ... currently this can be achieved post posting your comment, then, editting it, and turning one of the options to 'false' (or something like this)
  • "Handshake" logos (or something like that) near new people's account banners/avatars ... useful if we start getting a lot of shills and trolls ... for now, they automatically get 'New Member' under their username, which might suffice

Please do let us know if there are any other ideas you have, or, if I have missed any which you previously suggested.

For organization sake, adding a few more notes here.

The current top three items on our to-do list are here.

The next top three items from the lists above, that might be trickier for us to do:

1) thread previews (like GreatAwakening/Patriots), which could be accessed from the thread view ... currently can do this on desktop by leaving your cursor over it, but, not on mobile
2) Improve the sort-threads-by-'popular' option, add a sort-threads-by-'rising' option

Most of the other things on that list are probably possible for us to do ourselves ... might already be instructions on how to do some of these online ... others we might have to fiddle around and/or ask for help from the XenForo online support forum.
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Damn that is impressive.
Not sure where to post this but I found a bug when using mobile.

When watching any videos it starts out fine but this happens every time. Screenshot_20211009-210900_DuckDuckGo.jpg
Add poll support
Do you just mean polls?

Those are possible is some of the sub-forums, though not all of them.

(It's been added to the list, to work on getting polls supported by all sub-forum types).
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Would it be possible to implement a flag besides the username? People could voluntarily choose to show from which province or territory they are.
As is, it isn't.
Unless everyone who wanted it were to volunteer which province they are in to the mods.
In which case, we could award a Sask badge, for instance.
But that'd probably make some people uncomfortable.

There might be a way to get that functionality added though, a rotating set of badges from which someone can pick one or two to use.
My two cents:
1. new accounts / accounts with posts that get flagged repeatedly for spam / fedpost get a "patriot test" captcha that they need to pass before they can register or post again. Sample set of questions:
- True ___ ___ in all thy ____ command.
- Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that _____ is _____
- There are ____ genders
- The ____ will continue until ____ improves
-The ____ will _____ itself
-. There is nothing quite as ______ as a _______ government program
-. If you didn't ____ for me then you ain't _____

2. Add a "suggested" tab that suggests newer posts a user might be interested in based on what they liked in the past (I can help with this if there is an API of some sort, after some basic verification that I'm not a fed of course)

3. After the recent change requiring registration to view threads, clicking on the logo / going to now takes me to a "forum stats" page instead of the general forum like it used to before. This page is slow to load (I'm guessing because of the stats comps) and probably wastes cpu cycles. If we can't get it to go back to /forums/ like before, it should at the very least be briefly cached across sessions.
On (1), funny/'based' Captchas have occurred to me before.
Thank you for more suggestions on those.

On (2), such a thing doesn't currently exist, though, something similar to it does.

This one:

It would point out "Similar Threads" to the one you're current viewing.
Not sure how good the algorithm is, though, the software developer is a prolific one for XenForo.

We already have access to it (when you buy one of his add-ons, you get them all), just don't have it installed.

Having an add-on like the one you described, would probably rely on similar algorithms.
Probably possible. Will consider it.
And thank you for the offer to help!

On (3), yes, we changed the auto-re-direct of '' to '' (it used to re-direct to '').

The reason for this change is for the folks who are not logged in (i.e., lurkers, and new viewers).

If it auto-re-directed to '', it would now bring those people to a forum that they don't have the permissions to view, and as such, a broken page.
They then might assume the website is broken, and not visit again.

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to auto-re-direct logged-in folks to '', while auto-re-directing non-logged-in folks to ''.

I agree, this isn't a perfect fix, because as you point out, it leads to longer load times.
We'll look into fixing this. Thank you.