Information Thread prefixes (flair) added.

i dont like to ask for shit, but how about SATURDAY IS BOOBDAY?

*ETA - clearly i need my own flair.
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Now which boob are you referring to? Because I could go outside and see plenty of boobs. Meaning idiots.

Perhaps birds will be keen?

As for breasts. Well, no straight male will say no to that. But we have the internet so.....
Here is a list of the current flairs we currently have:

1) Important
1b) Announcement ** (mods/admins only)
2) Information
3) Discussion
4) Theory
5) Shitpost
6b) Off Topic **
7) Spicey
8) Dank Meme
9) Redpill
9b) Whitepill **
9c) Scripture **
10) The CCP Virus
11) Super Deadly Scariants
12) Lockdowns
13) Fear Mongering
14) Vakktheens
14b) Booster Shots **
15) Vaccine Passports
15b) Horse Paste **
16) PCR Fraud
17) Sheeple
17b) Poll **
18) Trudeau Sucks
19) The PPC
20) Mad Max
21) Super Sloan
22) Liberal Lite
23) NDP Garbage
24) Wexit
25) Defund The CBC
26) Defund CTV
27) Defund Global News
28) Ew, Toronto
29) First Nations
29b) CanCon (Canadian Content) **
30) Regressive Left
31) Cultural Marxism
32) Critical Theory
33) Critical Race Theory
34) Woke Bullsh*t
35) SJW Crazyness
36) LGBTQ+ Nonsense
37) Two Genders
38) Gender Studies
39) Intersectionalism
40) Commies Everywhere
41) Crime & Corruption
42) Free Helicopter Rides
43) Drain The Swamp
44) Save The Churches
45) Clown World
46) These People Are Stupid
47) These People Are Sick
48) These People Are Evil
49) Censorship
50) Big Tech Tyranny
51) Globalist Agenda
52) The Great Reset
53) The Great Awakening
54) Q News & Theories
57) Manufactured Crisis
58) It's A Plandemic
59) Climate Swindle
60) Conspiracy Fact
61) He Didn't Kill Himself
62) She Didn't Kill Herself
63) False Flag
64) Coincidence?
65) This Is Suspicious
66) Big, If True
67) Notable
68) Boom
69) Legal Action
72) F*ck West Taiwan
73) Biden's Dumpster Fire
74) Big Pharma
75) Follow The Real Science
76) Getting Involved
77) TOFU
78) Raging Dissident
78b) CyTube **
78c) Community Court **
78d) Comminity Poll **
79) Protests
80) Hopium
80b) High Energy **
81) Boycott
82) Based Department
82b) Find Your Friends ** (map & people icons)
82c) Pehpeh Approves **
83) Local Win
84) Small Victory
85) Large Victory
86) Huge Victory
87) I Smell Bullsh*t
88) FYMM
89) FAFO
90) Propaganda Alert
91) Fake News
92) Left Wing Media
93) Hot News

** recently added, need to re-adjust numbering accordingly.

And here are a few potential other ideas:

- Research Wanted / Information Request
- Rapid Testing something
- Supply Chain Breakdowns (or something like this)
- Coronatarianism
- Vaxx Supremacists
- Meme Magic
- Leftist Cope
- BLM something
- Hackers something
- MAGA something
- Canada something
- Doug Ford something
- FreeCanada something
- Big Gov
- Tyranny
- Socialist something
- Progressive hypocrisy
- Hypocritical
- This Was No Accident
- Satire
- 'Follow The $cience"
- Manufactured Consent
- Anti-lockdown
- Anti-COVID-jab
- Fighting Back
- Russia Russia Russia
- Orwell something (nightmare? double speak?)
- COVID 1984
- Catch 84
- DS shenanigans
- Never Was
- O'Foole
- Penalty Called (maybe?)
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If anyone has any has any other flair requests or ideas, please let us know.

We are currently pulling the flair symbols from this website, and the colours are chosen from here.

We will probably eventually work on making the flairs fancier, much like the ones on Omega Canada, Great Awakening, and, Patriots. I have screenshots of all of their flairs, if anyone would like to look at them for ideas.
Definitely need something for Toronto bullshit. Maybe just “Toronto Bullshit”