Members awarded with this badge

  1. JordanPEDErson

  2. JuliusSqueezer

    Meme production factory for MemeFleet.
  3. Reeenorseman

    Sick meme drops, and like... a lot of them.
  4. Shit_Sandwhich77

    Kept meme stocks high so the boys could keep the cannons firing!
  5. Gunner667

    Hot drops with first wave, massive casualties inflicted.

    Continued to drop dope memes.
  7. HuntStevenson

    Fought valiantly on the front lines delivering memes and fighting tyranny.
  8. bighotbaconizer

    Moral support and trolling during MemeFleet.
  9. BeerAndOil

    Support fren. Good fren.
  10. Home_

    Fought from OC during MemeFleet and never gave ground to the tyrant.
  11. Prairie_dog

    Almost single highhandedly won the war. We didn't really even need to come.
  12. MaximumBernier
